Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Happiest Day of my Life!


 In 2011 when I announced to my  G.P. and Psychotherapist that I wanted to go to college they both looked at me as though I was mad.  I was in the middle of receiving treatment for (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and not in a very good place,  I lost my job and became a recluse,  I locked myself away as I didn't know how to face my illness, let alone the world.    They told me that I wasn't ready for the pressure that a course would put on my body and brain and dismissed my wish as stupid.  I didn't listen to them, and today at  9.50am  I received the news and confirmation that my two years of hard-work,  no social life and my head jammed in books had finally paid off because today I qualified as an:

Early Years Practitioner 

And to top it off,  just like my course last year I have come out with an "A"  for my Graded Unit. A unit that caused me lots of anxiety "why?" because  I was terrified of  it.  I had never carried out any kind of research let alone put questionnaires, surveys and interviews together, but I tried my best and studied  what I needed to know, and it worked.  

I can't even remember being handed the piece of paper with my grade on it. My lecturer just sat and stared at me as I tried to take in what she had handed me.  She then burst out laughing at my reaction, which I have to admit took about 2 minutes to come,   I sat with wide eyes then a huge grin came over my lips and the words 'Really, are you sure?  I've passed.'  Then she winked and said 'Most definitely, well done.' 

So here I am at 16.30  telling the world and to be honest  I'm still kind of gob-smacked and dazed but you know what?

I did it!


  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Brilliant and many many congratulations!
    Terdotty x

  2. Thank you Terdotty xx


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