
Friday, May 13, 2011

Made By Sun Rae *shop update* plus Competition!

Sewing needle case

Hi everyone, hope you are well! I've been very busy this  past week or so, making items for my Folksy shop and my website. I have now introduced Sewing Needle Cases and more Pyramid Knitting Project bags.  The new Pyramid Bags come as a standard size 7"high and 7"wide.  Heavier designer fabrics have been used in some and they are fully lined throughout. If these prove to be successful,  I will endeavour to produce more in other colour waves.

                    Sun Flower Passion


The Sewing Needle Cases are reinforced with interfacing and heavy duty wadding to stop needles protruding   out and also to help it maintain its shape.
*****Update***** Paul has just come up the stairs to spy on me and has also confessed my Sewing Cases are very cute-not me- the sewing cases Lol.
Pyramid Bags

Flower Power Love

Flower Patch


Daisy Haze (name suggested by Loupylou)

Sherbert Dib-Dab



The last Pyramid Bag is made in a lighter weight fabric i.e. cotton and fully lined.
On Safari

The heavier fabric pyramid bags cost £12.00 whilst the lighter fabric ones cost £10.00.  The Sewing Needle Cases cost £6.00 each.  All these items will be available from 6pm tonight  are now available on my Folksy page and website.

In this post you may have noticed one of the pyramid bag designs caption reads ??????
This pouch doesn't have a name :( .  To be in with a chance of winning the pouch, please just leave a comment with your suggestion of what I should call it.   I will leave this competition open until  8pm on Sunday 15th May.  Due to the maintenance glitch I will be extending the competition closing date and time until, Monday 16th of May at 7pm.  I will ask my O/H to pick the best name and he  will announce the winner on Tuesday 17th May at 7pm.

Shirley xx    


  1. I will be including the names of the 3 guests whos comments where deleted due to the maintenance glitch yesterday: They are:

    Darkestknits suggested: Limeade & Dancing Daisies
    Manda-r suggested: Daisy Meadow

    I'm awaiting reply from Dangermouse.

    Squirrel xx

  2. Lovely bags! My suggestion is Hippy Chic, it just screams retro but with style :-) - dippydappyblonde on phoenix

  3. Rainey12:44 PM

    Green Greenie

  4. My suggestion is Daisy Haze

    Lovely bags - you're so clever!
    PPB (Loupyloo on Phoneix!)

  5. The Grey Dog4:59 PM

    It's screams "Glastonbury" - that's what it should be called!

    Logged in through Rainey on Phoenix.

  6. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Took me a while to find this! Thought I had dementia!

    My suggestions is Lime Delight

    Trisha aka Madhousewoman

  7. Woolygreyhound7:54 PM

    What about
    Cor blimey limey

  8. Dangermouse: suggestion is Mushy Pea Green Daisises


Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed your stay. It would make my day if you left a comment! xxx