
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Colours of Summer...... Sherbert!

Hi everyone.  Hope you are all well =D.

Once again this has been a wonderful week for my handmade items.  My Sherbert Dib-Dab Pyramid Bag  recently featured and  made it into an Etsy Treasury: "Colours of Summer" the theme was Sherbert (bottom, 2nd from left). 

To say I'm excited is an understatement, people are seriously going crazy for these bags,  so I'm going to add more fuel to the fire and announce some new stock. Yes!  I've been squirrling away for the past couple of days making loads of new bags-11 to be precise, which will promptly be added to my  Folksy, and  Etsy by the 25th of August (Thursday) this week.

Getting back to Nature

Even though where I live we are surrounded by countryside, sometimes it's just nice to get away to pastures new.  See new scenery, a different layout and just generally drink in whats around you.  I'd never been to Crieff before, well not that I can remember of  and even though I moaned on the way up in the car, the end result was both breathtaking plus relaxing.
Lady Mary's Walk- Crieff
The River Earn

Wild Flowers
breathtaking scenery

dog walking

Soaking my feet in the River Earn


We walked and walked and each turn on the path brought more nature, some people, kids playing in the water, people jogging, dogs walking with their owners,  babies being wheeled around in their buggies, everyone with the same thing on their mind, don't rush just take it easy.

Just Doodling

On Fabric:
I was taught how to sew from a very young age by a rather cantankerous elderly woman. She was married to the local doctor -old military type and very to the point, no nonsense kind of man- she was a brilliant teacher, with  an awful temper.  Heaven help you if you forgot your sewing bag or "gasp" your needle happened to slip and  your stitch didn't look right,  all hell broke loose.  Then in High School a rather nasty Home Economics teacher took it upon herself to tell me I was useless at sewing and it would be better if I just gave up.
So I'm not sure what they would make of my little embroidery doodle,  sewn on to some denim. ooops! What the heck!  It was fun.


I've had a months rest from my  PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) therapy treatment,  EMDR, which has thrown up a few glitches but hopefully it is just old memories being processed into the files in my brain. The one thing I wasn't counting on was the severe depression or the abnormal lack of energy that has come with the break, or my therapists excuse "the reason  why you're feeling like this, is because you have stopped taking your Fluoxetine",  I've been off my tabs since April and seemingly it's only now my body is retaliating with depression, mmm! I don't think so.  To me the antidepressants weren't working,  they were masking my feelings and I wasn't  facing up to reality.  I was walking around feeling numb and zombiefied and I'm afraid that is a state I didn't very much care to be in.  Yes the therapist frowned at me,  when I tried to explain that I wanted to feel the pain of reliving the memories I had whilst going through the EMDR treatment and that is why I weaned myself off the medication. To me it's the only way I'm going to recover, period.  So after a power struggle with me refusing to go back onto the medication (I'm very stubborn) we decided the next best thing would be to try a more natural approach in the form of fish oils.  Omega 3 with a high EPA count, this is to combat the severity of  depression and  the sluggishness, I'm suffering from.  I'm also taking B vitamins for adult acne (due to stress)
Anyway, I've been taking the fish oils and vitamins since Thursday of last week.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday I felt on top of the world, loads of energy, talking non-stop, knitting like a woman possessed, tidying, taking the dog for a walk, eating less sugary foods, listening to music and living again but then Monday appeared and I  hit a wall so big that I couldn't even step over it let alone climb over  it.  I was majorly tired but not depressed, which is good, I think.  By Tuesday (right  through to Thursday) I was bulldozing the wall and marching ahead full of beans, then Friday had to happen.  I just sat and cried on and off for most of the day.  Sounds depressing but this is me getting better.  Before treatment I was down and crying for 6 days out of 7.  Now it's maybe 2 and at a push 3 days out of the week, eventually it will be none.   So were does this take me? Well,  I will  be moving forward and starting CBT after the therapist comes back from his holidays.  The CBT is the final push on my therapy and is the ground work for  making me a living, working, person again.
It can only get better, right?


  1. Congratulations on the success of the bags! I know I've said this before, but they are really great bags!!

    What lovely photos, it looks like a great day out.

    I really hope things go well with your health and therapy. You sound like you're positive about things and are taking control. Good luck!! xo :)

  2. Hi there, so glad your bags are selling well, you deserve it, they are gorgeous. Best wishes to you. x


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