
Saturday, October 15, 2011

I'm back!

Hi everyone, hope you are all well.

I'm back to the land of the internet and ready to finally sort out my poor little blog,  how neglected does it look?  I've not only been very busy,  I'm at college now studying Early Years and Childcare  fulltime.  Then my laptop died on me when I tried to take it back to factory settings, it was running really slow and I felt taking it back to how I received  it was my only option. Big mistake, it totally fried.  Ironically it was  exactly one year to the date of having a new mother board installed, weird or what?????  So twenty-one  days, new hard drive, DVD drive and strip cover (don't know what the third item is) later,  I'm back to the land of the internet.  Still trying to iron out a few niggles ,  sound card, downloading programmes and re-installing stuff from disc,  I can see where my October holiday is going to go, *sigh*.

Not too bothered about my October holiday being taken up with this though.  A spot of baking from my new book, *bliss*.

The Great British Bake Off
 I subtly hinted to Paul that I wanted this book for Christmas after seeing it for £10 in Tesco and lo and behold I was packing my rucksack for college one day and saw the top of a book that looked too thick and  I didn't recognize.  Thinking I had accidentally packed one of my knitting books to take to college,  I yanked it out and burst into tears when I recognized the cover.  Paul had only bought the book secretly and stashed it in my college bag as a surprise, how thoughtful is that?

Sorry I'm going off on a tangent:  I'm including a picture of the yummy Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry (just for you Ozzy =D ).

Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry

So now I'm on holiday he's pressurizing me to make 'Paul's Iced Fingers' and  'Paul's Pork Pies'. 

Paul Hollywood's Iced Fingers
Told him if he mentions these again for the fortieth time I'm going to "hit him in the face with the book" , his reply in kind, "good job I bought you the book then, eh? "........ cheeky monkey.

1 comment:

  1. Lol!!!! Thank you!!! Seriously, how lovely is he! He could bake for me anytime he like! ;)

    I also have a soft spot for Si from The Hairy Bikers. I like both their laid back attitudes to cooking, as opposed to the two grumpy so-and-so's on Masterchef (or Mastershout as Terry Wogan called it).

    You'd think that might inspire me to cook; but no. Mr BB does the cooking in our house, because A: he's better at it, and B: the thought of peeling a potato puts me in bad form. I clearly don't have a cooking gene.

    Good luck with your course, and you lost me a bit in the technicalities of your computer (I'm not great with computers either!), but glad you got it sorted out!

    Lynne :)


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