
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Forty Odd Things About Me

I'm not very sure why I decided to write this post.  It just suddenly popped into my head whilst watching T.V. then as the night went on it started to become an obsession and I kept thinking about it.  So this is why I'm writing "Forty Odd Things About Me".  It really just gives an insight into who I am and my likes and dislikes.

1. My star sign is Aries-which means I'm  very highly strung and sometimes hyper-sensitive.
2. I'm also a total perfectionist and beat myself up a lot for not meeting my own high standards.
3. My favourite colour is red, not orangey red but deep blood red.
4. I love Bram Stokers Dracula starring Gary Oldman (this perhaps explains my colour preference).
5. I'm also a huge Twilight fan and I support Team Edward.
6. I'm often asked if I dye my hair-no it's naturally dark,dark brown.
7. My little niece and I have very, very dark brown eyes (sometimes it's difficult to see the pupil  as their so dark).
8. My niece and I both have  sallow skin  (my mum says my niece is my double)
9. I love fruit salads (the fruit not the chewy sweets, although I do love the sweets too)
10. I love watching Darts and support  Raymond Van Barneveld (Barnie)
11. I also love watching boxing (I used to watch this with my Grandad when I was little, he was a boxer in his early years).
12. I detest bitchy, bossy and gossipy people (especially if their out to hurt someone).
13. I was taught to knit when I was between 4 or 5 by my mum.
14. I'm a self taught crocheter.
15. My Home Economics teacher told me I was useless at sewing (my work has appeared in SewHip
Magazine and I sell my own bags).
16. I like to wear make-up and perfume everyday (my O/H says I'm high maintenance).
17. I hate ironing, I only iron as I need the items.
18. When I'm angry, stressed or in a strop I become a cleaning goddess.
19. I hate wearing lots of jewellery, I will wear single pieces instead of sets.
20. I only wear silver, except for my engagement ring, which is gold.
21. I have a very dirty laugh.
22. I love talking crude with my sister (much to the dismay of my O/H, who wishes I was more demure).
23. I love drinking freezing cold milk (even though it gives me brain freeze).
24. I only like ready salted crisps (if their Kettle Chips, you've no chance of me sharing them).
25. I'm from the Creamola Foam generation used to drink this all the time and I still have my own teeth.
26. I love Farley's Rusks.
27. I love potatoes.
28. I only wear leather shoes (my feet hurt all the time due to working in retail for many years, leather
shoes help them)
29. I talk and sing to my dog daily- he thinks he's human, so I treat him like one lol.
30. I love my dog, he's my best friend.
31. I have a miniature soft toy piglet, which I take to bed with me every night.
32. I'm not actually 40 I'm 5.
33. I love stationery and have hoards of pens, pencils, erasers, felt-tip pens, markers and paper.
34. I collect little boxes and decorative tins.
35. I collect buttons and have over 2000 different kinds.
36. When I see white feathers, butterflies I believe it's a sign that someone in heaven is watching over          me.
37. I love bootleg or boyfriend jeans
38. I love listening to the Foo Fighters but it has to be very loud.
39. I love the Fat Face brand.
40. I only wear D. C's, Vans or Vision Street Wear on my tootsies (see picture)


  1. Heya, I have given you a blogging award! Come check out the details at my blog:

  2. Thank you so much Tecrin. You've really made my day. xx


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