
Friday, January 04, 2013

HaPpY NeW yEar!

Happy New Year and all the best to everyone for 2013.  I still can't believe how quick 2012 went by 'woooosh', and it was gone. Perhaps it's because I've been so busy, I'm now in my second year of Early Education and Childcare,  and I've not quite found my routine to fit the rest of my life in yet.  I'm forever pouring over books and typing frantically on my laptop. Something I'm not overly proud of, however, as Paul keeps reminding me it's only till the end of June now. Humpppfff! So this holiday has come as a big relief, and allowed me to slow right down and to do the hobbies I've had to put on the back burner. Such as baking:

This was supposed to be Paul's baking stint, but somehow I got roped into writing the list for the supermarket, going to the supermarket and bringing it home. Then prepping the kitchen and weighing out the ingredients. Huh, how did that happen? I can't remember agreeing to help, I just blinked, and I was weighing out flour and sultanas. Very odd!

The recipe Paul wanted to make was Clootie Dumpling, after being inspired by the time of the year and pouring over recipes we decided on Maw Broons But an' Ben recipe book. A previously tried and tested recipe full of gorgeous spices and rich ingredients.

Once I had completed all the ground work it was then over to Si King emmm I mean Paul to do all the mixing lol!  I even told him he had to mix for five minutes, he didn't really I was just being nasty.  But, I did inspect the bottom of the bowl to ensure no flour was left untouched.  Well no point in doing things in half measures, perfection all the way that's what I say. 
Then it was in to the pot for a two to three hour steam. 
This is the result a large clootie dumpling ready to be cut up and eaten on it's own or with some warm custard, mmmm delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Happy new year! The cake looks delicious, and what's not to love about cake and custard?! Mmmm...


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