Day 3 of scrumptious fruit salad Greek yoghurt combos.
Made with raisins, diced nectarine and chunks of banana.
Drizzled with a mango coulis.
I have been on a bit of a health kick eating wise over the past few days. Apart from eating Easter eggs, I don't know if my new eating habit is to do with the little bit of sunshine we have been having lately. Or if it is due to being a bit off my food, you know when you crave something new, and you just can't be bothered with the same old, same old (cue, dragging of feet). I've also been really tired and wanting to have naps in the afternoon, something that I really don't have the time for as I'm snowed under with course work, humpfff! So I've come to the conclusion I'm either pining for something or I'm about to come down with an illness. I hope it isn't the latter, just that I need to be more healthy and eat better food. Does that make any sense?
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