
Friday, July 01, 2016

Brace yourselves.....end of term is here. Yahoo!

End of term this week, we started our holiday here on Wednesday. The run up to the end of term was pretty hectic, I stupidly volunteered to paint the little one's graduation banner (the sunshine and rainbow acrylic paint on fabric) and spent last Saturday night and Sunday morning completing it (I'm so rock and roll). Monday and Tuesday was emotional, lots of cuddles and goodbyes for the boys and girls moving on to school, they spoiled me rotten and showered me with gifts. Now it's Friday, and I'm still trying to unwind; getting up at stupid o'clock and going to bed as though it's a school night.  Hopefully, I will finally start to relax. I just need to get a scary health appointment out of the way on the 6th, not looking forward to it and feeling pretty anxious, hence all the sewing, crafting and gardening that's going on. The nearly finished skirt is a Project Runway pattern. In the style of The Great British Sewing Bee, I've decided to be thrifty (don't laugh) and construct this skirt from a brand new duvet cover that I received free from a catalogue. I've gone for the fuller skirt rather than the tulip one, and I've extended the length of the skirt, so it's sits below my knee. I've also lined it as the outer material is quite see through. It's taken me quite a few days to get to this point in the picture, but I'm rather pleased with my make and looking forward to inserting the zip and adding the waistband over the next day or so.
In the garden, everything is in bloom; my Nasturtium's have bloomed, and there is lots of bee activity around my wild flowers.  The large Fuschia bush outside my living-room window at one point had twenty bees buzzing around it, this fills my heart with joy, as I know I'm doing something right if bees want to visit my little corner of the world.


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