
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Ten unexpected ways that handmade blankets can make your life better

  1. Keeps you warm during freezing Winter temps or unseasonably cold Spring weather.
  2. Great for cosying up in during movie night, or when getting your Daryl Dixon fix (The Walking Dead).
  3. Perfect comforter for when you feel sick.
  4. The best picnic blanket on earth.
  5. Makes a beautiful, memorable baby gift (you can personalise it too).
  6. It looks nice draped over your sofa or on your bed.
  7. Works well for blanket forts on rainy days.
  8. Gives a nice, comfortable, place to sit during outdoor events.
  9. Says, “I love you this much” when you're needing a cuddle or want to be alone.
  10. A great use for stress relief, snuggle underneath and melt your worries away while eating chocolate of course.
Brrr! I think Autumn is definitely here, the 22nd of September came with a freezing, biting wind and it's not left us.  I thought it would go for the weekend, but no, it hung around and brought miserable rainy, windy weather on Saturday. Saturday was the day we were going to go to Dobbies, but it didn't quite feel right, you know, walking around a garden centre when it's pouring with rain outside, even though we were going to have tea and some lunch while there. So we decided to stay in.  I pottered about knitting some mittens; Paul made me some French Toast (eggy bread) with his artwork drawn in ketchup. He always surprises me with little gems like this.  Then I hunted down some blanket squares from a swap,  I've had these in storage for a while. Maybe, I will put them together this year in time for Christmas, as a wee gift to me.  

Talking about Christmas, Paul and I have been talking about our one or two traditions we have for the festive period; making our mincemeat pies, going to the Christmas Market in Edinburgh, opening our presents while sipping or quaffing Bucks Fizz in our pyjamas and we thought, or I thought maybe we should add a few more traditions to carry over in the years to come.  But do you know what we just sat and looked at each other and couldn't think of anything, lol!  How sad is that? I think I might have to sleep on it or Google it; with the latter sounding very sad indeed. Hahaha!

Have a lovely weekend peeps!
xoxo xoxo

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