Thursday, April 05, 2012

Aw shucks I'm blushing!

I've been bestowed with an award.  I was just pottering around on my blog, when I noticed a comment on one of my posts. 

The message was from the lovely Stefanie over at Tecrin Tries  thank you so much.

What happens next?  Agghhh!  I see:

The award comes with the following *rules* :

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy 
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it
  • Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  • Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award 
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself
Hmmmm! Seven things about me lets see.  Well I could cheat and just copy what I've already said in the previous post but  I'm not going to, no,  this shall be seven new things I wish to share.

1.   I love playing with Lego.  I never had this toy as a child, so when my O/H produced a significant box from  the loft; I sat on the floor and played  for hours.
2.  My all time favourite film is Breakfast at Tiffanys.
3.  When I was younger I won a lot of trophies and medals for cross country running.
4.  I can only eat chocolate when it comes straight from the fridge.
5.  I love puzzle books and can't go to sleep until I've completed one arrow word puzzle.
6.  I sing to all adverts on T.V.   I'm positive my O/H is going to feed me to the dog one day as this annoys him so much lol.
7.  I want to re-visit Prague and this time come home with a Golem statue.

Now, in no particular order, here are the 15 blogs that I am awarding the Versatile Blogger Award to ...
                                       1.   Ozzy Blackbeard Knits and Sews
                                       2.   Doodlywhatsits
                                       3.   Pink Shoes Knits
                                       4.   Winwick Mum
                                       5.   The Fantastical Faerie
                                       6.   The Sight of Morning
                                       7.   Under a Shady Tree
                                       8.   Elly Kantklosje
                                       9.   Vic's Knits
                                      10.  1 Funky Knit Wit
                                      11.  Jelly Jam
                                      12.  Country Cottage Chic
                                      13.  The Student Knitter
                                      14.  Teri's Blog
                                      15.  Art Rageous Quilter Studio
                                      16.  Lala... a Mountain Mama
 You lucky people, congratulations and I hope you enjoy your awards.
p.s. I know I've nominated 16 blogs  *blush*  but I was so over the moon at receiving an award I thought I would be generous.  


  1. Congratulations on your award! And thank you for nominating me!! :)

  2. Your very welcome Lynne. Enjoy :) xx

  3. Your most welcome Jayne. Enjoy x

  4. Congratulations!!

  5. Thank you Knitting Nix

  6. Thank you for the award to find someone else to award it too who you haven't already chosen LOL.


Thank you for reading my blog, I hope you enjoyed your stay. It would make my day if you left a comment! xxx