Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fat Cat

Will you forgive me little blog if I post a cute picture of a Fat Cat (he's a Cupcakes for Clara kit) I made today? I'm sorry for abandoning you, but my exams were hugely important to me.
The cat above is part of my mums birthday, so I'm really, really hoping she doesn't read my blog or It won't be a surprise anymore. He's not actually those colours either, I decided to be silly and just muck around. I think he looks yummy.


  1. He's fantastic!! I hope your Mum loves him! :)

  2. Too cute!

    Happy blogoversary :)

  3. Thank you Lynne. My mum thought he was brilliant. :)

  4. Thank you Teena.

    Oooopp's I totally forgot about my blogoversary. :(

  5. Hello
    Squirrels Knitting Conquests
    I loved this blog post. I couldn't have said it any better to be honest!

  6. this is too adorable :)

    Brooke x


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