Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mitten Knitting Mission

I have had a wonderful weekend, one of the best in a long time. Think it was because someone upset me on Friday with their incompetence and I took the decision to sort out the problem myself and felt satisfied and more relaxed that I did so,  that's the perfectionist in me talking. Ooops!  So to allow me to get over my little upset I watched the Tim Burton Animation called 'Frankenweenie' (I'm a big fan of his animations with 'A Corpse Bride' being one of my favourites) whilst knitting some mittens. Mittens that had been sitting in my queue forever; Suzi's Gloves, and today I decided to put my needles to work and knit them. I think I’m on a mitten knitting mission as I have just finished one mitten pattern Veyla, and now I've jumped straight onto another pattern. I've always liked this pattern but just never got round to making them, so when I came up with the perfect yarn; Rowan 4ply fine I knew it was about time I made them. However, I didn't read the pattern through before starting them and as soon as I cast on amount required I noticed the pattern was knit in the flat. I didn't like this one bit so I didn’t go with it,  I decided to knit them in the round only because I thought it would give a better finish and because I'm lazy, I really didn't fancy seaming them. I did, however, knit the thumb flat and then seamed it. I have found sometimes knitting thumbs in the round causes some gaping, between the thumb and index finger,  but knitting it flat and picking up the stitches at the base to continue in the round has somehow given the area a wonderful finish. I also decided to use pearl beads in the centre as I did not have any flower buttons to hand.

1 comment:

  1. Your mittens are great! I love the Veylas, the yarn is gorgeous. I'm another Tim Burton fan, The Corpse Bride is brill, but my favourite is Beetlejuice.


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