
Monday, January 26, 2015

Carpe Diem

Oh my, how time flies...I can't believe that my last post was so long ago...what have I been up to, well it is a chilly day in my little neck of the woods which means snuggling and keeping warm. So much has changed in my life recently, some good and some not so good, so I'm really trusting that 2015 will be more successful and happier than 2014. I am still a crafter at heart picking up the needles/hook and yarn whenever I get the chance... however, this is pretty limited as most of my time is spent driving to and from my workplace...which is an hour and ten minutes away from my home, one way. Which probably explains why I'm tired all the time and haven't got time for blogging or anything else. Although, I have been pretty productive on the crafting front...I have should we say been seizing the day. Since Christmas I have made 2 crochet blankets, 2 scarves (1 knitted, 1 crochet), a felt cat for my mum (pictured) pattern is by Alicia Paulson and 3 hats. The mincemeat pies are a Paul Hollywood recipe  and very delicious.

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