
Saturday, January 31, 2015


I always think of myself as an individual and heaven forbid anyone that is similar to me. However, as a crafter I am sure there are others out there who are hoarders (just like me) and who never throw anything away...that's not to say I'm messy,  I have my hoard stashed away neatly in boxes or tins.  Now, every so often I will tell myself I need to go through my treasures and reduce the size I'm hoarding.  However, when I do start I then say to myself "I can't get rid of it I might need it one day."  Well, today Saturday was one of those days, there I was searching through my stash to put into a swap parcel when I came across the material, sewing equipment, wool, craft gadgets and other bits and pieces that I can honestly say I haven't seen before or can't remember buying. I always act surprised when I find these little treasures, and  I get a warm glow, my mind starts racing and before I know it I have ten projects in my mind.  I also come across projects that I have put on hold, but I can't remember why they've been shelved. Well, the item in the photo above is one such project that I shelved in 2010!!!!! I wasn't bored of it, so,  I don't know how it ended up in a box. The item in question is Polar Chullo  a gorgeous looking hat, very cosy for this weather and would be great for playing outside with the children at work.  My version just needs two things the knitted cord and then a wash to partially shrink and felt it. So today I have brought something out of hibernation and back to life and do you know I might just go raking tomorrow again to see what other treasures I can find.

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