Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Crazy World of Gardening!

At last!  My little garden is starting to kick off. I always get anxious at this time of year (I've been gardening since 2013), and every year it's the same- "Have I started too late? Is the garden going to be bare in the summer? Do I have enough plants? Maybe I should buy or sow more!" Also, every year Paul says "Stop fretting; I'm sure the garden will look stunning soon enough."  It still doesn't stop me worrying. 

It has been an incredibly long winter, here in Scotland (not that we get great summers mind you) and the plants have been scared to emerge from the safety of the soil. I mean, when have you ever seen a daffodil out until the end of May? Crazy!  Most of my birthday plant purchases* have been hiding out in my little greenhouses and have only seen the elements during sunnier days, with the month of May showing the most promising weather.

Seeds that I've sown have taken a little bit longer to come through; well the Sweet Peppers at least.   The peas, on the other hand, are shooting up at an alarming rate and will need to be moved on into their permanent container, very soon. Then there are the carrots; hopefully, I will get to them tomorrow, they need sowing.  Fingers crossed we have probably,  turned a corner weatherwise, and the plants will now flourish.  Here's hoping!


* Nemesia Easter Bonnet, Fuschia Southern Belle Pink Marshmallow, Calibrachoa Can-Can Coral Reef, Can-Can Hot Pink Star, Starlight Pink, Lysimachia Lysii, Geranium New Century Red, Argyranthemum Grandaisy Red, Sweet Peppers and Peas.

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